Cute Overload

Cute Overload is a weblog featuring commentary, photos and videos related to various aspects of cuteness in animals. The site was created by Megan Frost. It is ranked #803 in the most influential English blog list compiled by Technorati,[1] #16,387 in Alexa's "World Traffic Ranking"[2] and, according to Quantcast, it receives an average of 33,700 visits per day.[3]



Cute Overload won the 2006 Webby Awards "People's Voice" honors in the blog category,[4][5] the 2007 Bloggies for Best American Weblog,[6] and the 2009 "Weblog Awards" winner as "Best Topical Weblog".[7]

"Rules of Cuteness"

The website features "Rules of Cuteness", an evolving list of characteristics of cuteness, several of which include the following:


External links